
Dressing Your Newborn on Hot Summer Days

Nothing is as exciting as becoming a new parent. But, in the middle of the feel-good feeling of the moments following the baby’s arrival follows responsibility. And it can be overwhelming to juggle everything to keep your loved one safe, healthy, and comfortable.

One of the muddling puzzles for most parents is dressing their loved ones in strict adherence to the weather. While most parents stock adequate clothes and associated baby accessories, for the most part, it is easier to give a thought to cold than warm weather.

So, how do you dress your newborn on hot summer days? Well, it takes more than a sharp baby fashion taste to choose the right outfits. Here are a few interesting tips that can help you get ready for the summer.

  • It’s all about balance

Given the delicate baby skin, exposing them to direct heat (limited clothing coverage) could lead to sunburns, heat strokes among other unwanted external sun damage. In the same vein, overdressing has its consequences including general discomfort due to overheating. It, therefore, calls for a balance of clothing cover depending on whether you are indoors or outdoors to keep your newborn happy and comfortable. In all, allow them to enjoy the sunlight without compromising their safety.

  • Cotton onesie-the real deal

A popular way to beat the summer heat by many supermoms, a cotton onesie is always the real deal. For starters, a onesie is a short-sleeved t-shirt equipped snaps that fasten between the legs to keep it together. It’s a great pick as a base layer and offers the flexibility of adding or reducing other layers of clothing as the temperature fluctuates.

  • Choose bright colours for the outdoors

Bright colours naturally reflect away sun rays that cause direct heating. So, if you’re the type that likes tagging the baby for some outdoor fun, buying baby attires with bright high contrast shades should be at the back of your mind.

  • Limit the layers

In the face of warm weather, several layers of clothes will trap heat. And just like adults limit themselves to one layer at such times, why not for babies? Of course, it doesn’t have to be strictly one layer but avoid overdoing it.

  • Pay attention to the fabrics

As you might expect, the nature of fabric dictates the level of comfort, particularly when it gets hotter. So, try to acquire baby attires made of soft-textured and breathable fabric. Cotton is king in this case. Again, despite the popular inclination that a baby should always be dressed in heavy clothing, think lighter. So, yes! You can keep off wool, fleece, and anything else that can’t beat the heat.

  • Forget about accessories for the time being

While it is always tempting to accessorize your baby in every possible way, the summer heat certainly has a lot of limits. Any caring parent/caregiver should keep off accessories at least for until the weather allows. Tight-fitting accessories should be among the first things to be kept away from the dressing baby girl.

Final thoughts

It only needs a little flexibility in typical baby dressing habits to outdo the summer heat. That way, the newest member of the family remains safe, happy, and comfortable without much hassle.