
4 Most Common Hair Care Mistakes You Need To Stop Making 

Apart from skincare, your hair care matters too. Just like most things you can find in skincare routines, there are things that one should be aware of about hair care. Your hair care routine is customisable depending on your needs, from choosing the best conditioner for hair loss to learning the proper method to dry your hair.

However, we’re not often aware of the mistakes that we keep doing that can compromise our hair. Your typical hair routine is not just a simple wash and dry. Here are some of the most common hair care mistakes that we should all start avoiding:

You wash your hair too often

Maybe you’re using the best anti hair fall shampoo to maximise its effect. Washing your hair too often is a mistake that you should avoid. Why? You must be asking. Overwashing your hair leads to drying out your scalp. It also makes your head prone to irritation and inflammation. Consider washing them every 3-4 times a week unless you have greasy or damaged hair.

Not using heat protection

No matter how much product you’re using to make your hair beautiful and healthy, it doesn’t make it immune to high temperatures. Leaving your hair exposed to high temperatures (think about UV rays from the sun and your dryer) can make it prone to damage. Thus, using a heat protectant is an essential item to your hair care routine!

Putting conditioner to your roots

Many assume that applying conditioner to hair roots is how you do it. Even if you’re using the best conditioner for hair loss, your conditioner should be concentrated on the lengths of the hair. The shampoo is the product that you should target to its root. Applying conditioner to roots can weigh down the hair, making it prone to look greasy.

Not giving attention to the scalp

Your scalp needs cleaning. Deep cleaning on your scalp provides an equal exfoliation to remove dead skin cells and dirt buildup. Thus, consider investing in scalp care products.

If you’re looking for a conditioning hair oil in Singapore, visit Fayre Beauty.